One Thing Leads to Another Everything is Connected
One Thing Leads to Another Everything is Connected
Richard Long
One Thing Leads to Another: Everything is Connected is part of a series of publications in collaboration with Art on the Underground. Each year Art on the Underground focuses its temporary commissions programme on a specific tube line on the London Underground network, and this book centres on the Jubilee Line.
Artists for the Jubilee line series were invited to make new works that explored ideas around time, economics and travel, and how our relationships with these concepts have changed since the Jubilee line opened in 1979. Each project in the series brings a new understanding of the notion of time in the context of the tube; providing insights into how we use our time when we travel, what broader ideas influence our reasons for travel and the nature of our individual and collective relationships with time, the network and the city.
The Jubilee line includes projects by Nadia Bettega, John Gerrard, Goldsmiths MFA Art Writing students, Dryden Goodwin, Richard Long, Daria Martin and Matt Stokes. One Thing Leads To Another: Everything Is Connected encompasses information on each artist’s project, images of the works in-situ and a constellation of material selected in collaboration with each artist to enrich our understanding of their practice and the methodologies they employed to approach working within the unique context of the tube.
With newly commissioned essays on the history of the Jubilee line, and how it changed the fabric of London, by David Rooney, Keeper of Technologies and Engineering at the Science Museum, London, as well as a new piece on the notion of time and the city, by author and publisher Matthew Stadler, One Thing Leads To Another: Everything Is Connected is a rich document of the Jubilee line series and an exciting exploration of temporary artwork in the public realm.
Published in 2012 by Black Dog Publishing Limited Editors: Charlotte Bonham Carter, Louise Coysh, Tamsin Dillon